Gift cards module - how to disable right column?

 Hello, I bought and installed Your Gift Cards module in my shop. I would like to ask You how can I turn off/unhook the right coloumn in "Customer Account/Gifts that I bought"? Because it is unnecessary and covers the part of the table. Thanks for Your replay.

In prestashop you can manage the visibility of layout "columns" with usage of default features.
Depending on your prestashop version you need to go to:

prestashop 1.6: 
  • preferences > themes
  • open "advanced settings": 

  • there is a section named "appearance of columns where you can activate / deactivate columns depending on viewed page: 

  • disable selected columns near "module-giftertificate" 

prestashop 1.7:
  • design > themes
  • on the bottom of page you can find button "choose layouts" 

  • near "module-giftcertificate" from dopdown list select expected layout: 


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