CartRule name is empty in PrestaShop - problem VEKIA - Sunday, 29 September 2019 0 Edit Dear MyPresta Support, we've just seen that your plugin Rewards - Voucher codes after orders gives an "PrestaShopException Prope...
Discounts for groups of customers VEKIA - Monday, 9 September 2019 0 Edit PrestaShop enables you to give your customers certain privileges, by assigning them to groups. You can create as many customer groups as nee...
Generate 1000 gift card worth 30usd in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit hello.... do you have a giftcard module for generation massive gift? example... 1000 code/Gift of 30 dollar (i need export a code for will ...
Missing productListReviews hook in leo theme VEKIA - Tuesday, 3 September 2019 0 Edit Hello I wonder why module " product list quantity discounts " do not appear in my leotheme in prestashop 1.7 ? Hello This them...