Product filters pro in custom prestashop's hook VEKIA - Friday, 27 January 2017 0 Edit I am possibly interested in your HTML Box Pro module for our site. I see I can add content in many places which is great, looks like you h...
Css styles in custom contents module in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Hello, I eventually bought the new version of html pro for prestashop . I need to put some css between <style> tags in a footer hoo...
Okno popup tylko dla wybranego języka w sklepie PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Popup dla wybranej wersji językowej strony Witam Chciałbym aby moduł popup w prestashop wyswietlal sie tylko na stronach z językiem Po...
Different number of products per row in homepage tabs module VEKIA - Thursday, 26 January 2017 1 Edit Question about homepage tabs module I am sorry if I wasn't more descriptive. I've included screen for what I am aiming for. In u...
Problem with translation of blocks in the contents module VEKIA - 0 Edit How to translate blocks created with custom contents module? Just buyed HTML Box Pro . Very good and simple, but... I wont to diplay the...
advanced cart conditions - customers' groups problem VEKIA - Tuesday, 24 January 2017 0 Edit Groups issue with advanced cart conditions pro I purchased the module to define advanced cart conditions. However i cant find out how to c...
Module product tabs near orignal tabs VEKIA - 0 Edit Extra tabs for PrestaShop hi i have a question about product extra tabs . the news tabs are display with the default tabs ? because i wan...
Problem z minimalną ilością produktu w PrestaShop VEKIA - Friday, 20 January 2017 0 Edit Minimalna ilość produktu niezbędna do złożenia zamówienia - problem Witam serdecznie, mam problem z modułem minimalnej ilości produktów ...
Combinations table or product's attributes on list of products? VEKIA - 0 Edit What is the difference between combinations table and attributes on product list module? Hello, I want to buy update od this module, beca...
Can I export list of redirections created with Seo 301 Redirect module ? VEKIA - Wednesday, 18 January 2017 0 Edit Question about seo redirect module (possibility to export list of redirection rules) Just purchased, installed this seo redirect module ...
related products problem with visibility in PrestaShop VEKIA - 0 Edit Today I ordered the Related Products Pro module . Unfortunately it's not working... The installation was successful, but the module ...
Possibility to use shortcodes in extra tabs module VEKIA - 0 Edit Extra tabs module with shortcodes? I want to insert in tab some content like EAN, manufacturer name of the product, manufacturer descript...
Related products - problem with multistore website VEKIA - Saturday, 14 January 2017 0 Edit Related products in multistore environment Hello Vekia. I have ordered Related Products Pro after testing the free version which was wor...
Create popup in prestashop with information about +18 contents VEKIA - Friday, 13 January 2017 0 Edit How to create adult checker popup? Hi, I am thinking on buying your module Prestashop Popup Pro . I have a wineshop and i need to make ...
Przyspieszenie działania sklepu PrestaShop VEKIA - Thursday, 12 January 2017 0 Edit Jak wgląda zlecenie usługi przespieszenia działania sklepu PrestaShop? Interesuje nas optymalizacja silnika sklepu internetowego z któreg...
How export products from PrestaShop 1.6 to PrestaShop 1.7 ? VEKIA - Wednesday, 11 January 2017 0 Edit Importing products from PrestaShop 1.6 to PrestaShop 1.7 I wonder if module export products pro allows to export products with its combi...
Change "share and get discount" button text in facebook share module VEKIA - 0 Edit Can i change "share and get discount" button text? Hello, I bought your module for the Facebook product share + coupon share on ...
Export product and combinations in PrestaShop VEKIA - Tuesday, 10 January 2017 0 Edit Can i export product and its combinations? Hello, i am looking for an module for to export all fields of my products from 1.6 to 1.7 pre...
Export i import produktów z PrestaShop 1.6 do PrestaShop 1.7 VEKIA - Monday, 9 January 2017 0 Edit Jak zaimportować produkty z PrestaShop 1.6 do PrestaShop 1.7 ? Czy wasz moduł Prestashop Eksport produktów pro przenosi też opisy produkt...