Hi, we are using Prestashop with Warehouse theme version 4.5.9.
This part of code doesn't work for us, it can't be copied in Prestashop product text editor:<script async src="https://cdn.loadbee.com/js/loadbee_integration.js"></script>The code works in older Prestashop versions, it's probably a security measure in Prestashop 1.7 which blocks <script> tags, even tho HTML purifier is disabled ...Do you have any experiences with similar problems? Can your tinyMCE module help?Please help us with that, thanks loads, best regards.Thanks loads, best regards.

usually it is a matter of rich text editor that removes it before code is saved.
The extended rich text editor module that is available here: https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/tinymce-pro-extended-rich-text-editor.html should solve this problem with save process of contents that contian
code.If your shop works with http:// (without SSL certificate https://) the code to implement this script should be:
<script async src="
because browser's "mixed content filtering" feature will not load secured url if your website will be not secured (and opposite).
So, at the end - i confirm that rich text editor will solve the problem you've got
if there will be anything that i can explain or help with just let me know
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