I would like to create a PopUp that alerts visitors when they see a particular category and/or the products associated with it. Example: "Adult" category with some products (20/30) The PopUp must warn visitors of the presence of adult content (Lingerie, with some part of the body uncovered, not porn), obscuring the page in transparency. Text: The content of these pages is intended for an adult audience. By clicking OK and/or continuing browsing, you declare to be of age. Can I use the "Prestashop Prestashop Popup Pro" module? How long will the cookie last, ie the PopUp how often will it be shown, at each visit or is it possible to set a duration and/or frequency?

age verification for categories and products associated with selected categories
Hello,Regarding to context of your request i confirm that module 'popup pro' has features to:
- display popup for selected category pages
- display popup for products that are associated with selected categories
Some time ago i wrote a guide where is how how to create adult content warning with "popup pro" module:
regarding to:
You can set how long shop will remember that visitor confirmed age (so in effect popup will not be annoying and will not appear for this visitor again). Module configuration page allows to set it in seconds, for example:How long will the cookie last, ie the PopUp how often will it be shown, at each visit or is it possible to set a duration and/or frequency?
86400 - 1 day
2592000 - 30 days
31536000 - 1 year
... and so on
best regards,
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