We would like that by using the voucher, their basket drops to 0.
For the moment we succeed to import the voucher into the module, but we can't parametrize it.
This error message appears :
Do you think you could help us to parametrize it ?
Configuration problem of import voucher module
1) firstly please configure the patter of coupon generated by the module. If your csv file will not have all necessary fields - module will use patter to create a coupon code. From error you attached it looks like there is no pattern of voucher code. Screenshot: ![](http://i.imgur.com/bSuKcZh.png)
If you want to generate coupons for selected customers, in your csv file put the id of your customer, and while import - just select the column with customer ID:
if you've got problem with the import table where you can mark columns (screenshot that i attached) please define correct delimiters in step 2:
Row delimiter Any character may be used to separate the lines in CSV file, but the most common delimiters are new line charcode (\n) or (\r)
Column delimiter Any character may be used to separate values, but the most common delimiters are comma (,) or semicolon (;)
Row delimiter Any character may be used to separate the lines in CSV file, but the most common delimiters are new line charcode (\n) or (\r)
Column delimiter Any character may be used to separate values, but the most common delimiters are comma (,) or semicolon (;)
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