I have purchased "Maximum product quantity".
Is it not possible to change the (frontend) text?! I need to be able to change to danish...
How to translate text about exceeded limit of quantity?
module is translatable like other plugins.
to change the message text its enough to translate it under localization > translations > installed modules translations
here is the step by step process:
here is the step by step process:
1) go to your shop back office
2) open 'maximum product quantity' module configuration page
2) open 'maximum product quantity' module configuration page
3) hit on translate button: http://i.imgur.com/hfed4eS.png and select the language you want to change
4) you will be redirected to translations page
5) search there for "mqc" module, then on the list localize the text you want to translate and just apply own translation
screenshot for reference:

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