I need your help please. I have a client that have a special requierement for a module.. i need that the module only allows the increment of the multiple of the minimum quantity and they have various prices vs quantity.. for example: In one product that have multiple of quantity of 50unit: from 50 to 200unit » price1 from 250 to 500unit » price2 from 550unit » price 3 Do you have any solution that can solve my problem? Many thanks, regards.
Module to increment multiple of the minimum quantity
it can be done with two features. One of them is available in prestashop by default.
Firstly, you can use my module "minimal product quantity":
There is an option to enable / disable: "accept only multiplied values of min quantity". When active, and when you will set minimal quantity of selected product to 50 - customers will have possibility to order only quantities like: 50,100,150,200,250... and so on
Secondly, to generate suchdiscount / price increasement based on nb of quantities in cart you can use default feature called "catalog price rules". There is an option to define the price of product depending on quantity that customer will insert to cart. It will work well with minimal quantities defined in the module

So, with these 2 features you can achieve what your customer expect with success.
if there is anything else that i can explain, feel free to write.
best regards,
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